Sunday, August 15, 2010

Can you even believe it?!

Because honestly I can't myself! (yes I know not to start a sentence with 'because' lol) School is about to begin and I find myself looking forward to it! It will be wonderful to have something worthwhile to occupy my time with! I feel like summer and I have had our fun and now it's time for something serious. This summer has offered me relaxation and rejuvenation but now that's turning into boredom and frustration with the fact that I'm doing nothing with my time. During the semester I have a goal, something to accomplish, and yes, it does suck sometimes but I feel as though I've gotten to a point in my life where laziness is just not fun anymore. Yes I do enjoy my 'me' time where I can do nothing but read but then I like to rejoin the "real world". So yes, I am excited to begin the school year!

Thinking about next semester has also gotten me thinking about how I am at an age and in a position of complete freedom! That's not to say that I don't have my responsibilities but I am unattached; I have no children and no husband with whom I have to coordinate my plans. If I wanted to quit school and backpack across Europe, I could! The possibilities are endless and every door is open to me! (Now don't you worry mom and dad, I'm not quitting school lol ) It's just nice to know that the potential is there. I used to be completely obsessed with finding a boyfriend or someone to whom I could dedicate my time and love but I'm finding myself and feeling complete in and of myself without needing a significant other to complete me :D

A hard lesson has been learned in all my 22 years (almost 23!) and yes it may seem obvious but it took time for me to believe it. I don't have to settle for anyone who is not willing to invest both in me and himself as well as be mature enough to not resent any work he may have to do. I feel as if I've regained my romantic sensibilities and tempered them with a little sense! (Both Marianne AND Elinor!)

Well there's my musings for the night! Hope to hear from me soon!!!! XD lol

Books or boys?....hmmm

I've been thinking and I realized that boys and relationships can be like books! Let's say you read a book; if it was a good book, you close the back cover and sigh, remember all the good times you had and set it aside with no hard feelings AND you get to remain good friends! If it was a bad book you close the back cover and think about what could have been better, could you have done anything? Maybe been more open to the author's writings? Or was it all the book's fault? Either way you set it aside vowing that you will never go back. However, later you begin wondering if it was all a mistake and whether you should give that book another chance. See what I mean? lol One major difference though, is that books are

Anyways...this is what comes of being hyped up on Mountain Dew and coffee from work!!! I get nostalgic dreams that lead to profound thought!

Here's to yet another day of work!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

WTF stands for ...where's the fun?

SO long time no update, I can't say that life has been crazy busy but it's been good. In exchange for the lack of updates, I am providing any readers I may have with the charming photo above! Available exclusively on this blog! (Why yes, that IS me in a Transformer's mask in the middle of Toys R Us!)

I've been working my butt off for the last few weeks at Job number whatever (lol I forgot but it's ok cus there's only one job now which will henceforth be known as JOB) and I am tired!

So let's start with the big news...dun Dun DUN! I passed all three of my CSET exams at once on the first try!!! YAY! I went the the exam location filled with apprehension and like a hundred pencils in my purse. I even brought a sandwich! lol So I'm sitting outside the building feeling stupid and WAY behind because I should have taken these tests like a year ago and this was my last chance. Everyone had been telling me how difficult they were and I'm sitting there my thoughts vacillating between, "Oh crap! C'mon you can do it! Shoot shoot SHOOT! Hmmmm, let's see do I REALLY want to be a teacher? I mean really?" Sounds more negative than positive right? Anyway the stupid test takers have to go and make me even more neurotic by confiscating my freaking phone! Now I know how cliche it is to be so attached to your cell but did they really have to take away the only tool of encouragement I had left?!!! AKA "Hi mom I'm about to take my test..." (mom says) "Oh you'll do great honey!" I really needed that!!! (Jeez sometimes I feel like my posts need illustrations! lol ) Needless to say I got through it and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but it wasn't as easy...does that make sense? I guess it doesn't matter because I PASSED!!! Oh and when I went to pick up my phone they told me it had been going off like crazy! I thought I turned it off...but that's what they get for taking it away from me in the first place! XD

BTW I underwent a major transformation! From blonde to brunette (my hair's natural state)