Monday, August 31, 2009

The one with the middle, end and epilogue (soon to be sequel?)

So last off we left our heroine bravely conquering the land of Longboarding and vanquishing the monster Clumsiness. Well it seems that our heroine experienced a setback. :( So...the day after I posted those pics, my roomies longboard betrayed me. Sad to say that it was my fault. I wore the wrong shoes (for vanity's sake) and rolled my ankle. Whilst my ankle was contorted in an unnatural position, the board decided to make a break for it and I landed on said ankle. Needless to say I was in a lot of pain. So I am sitting on the floor and my roommate and my sister are not sure whether I'm ok or not and think I'm just gonna hop right back on. I wait for the pain to disappear, when it doesn't I realize that I can't get up. By this time my faithful friend (and sister) are coming to see what's wrong (me staying on the ground clued them in). They help me up and I mange to get home, on my bum, on the board lol. I sat on the coach where my sis brought me ice and I could see the nasty scratches and swelling of both feet. (ew) I started to think that maybe it was broken because BOY did it HURT! So I told myself that I'd just endure the pain and keep it immobile till the next morning (emergency rooms are expensive and it was midnight). Well that worked for about 30 minutes until it cranked up a notch and I couldn't keep from crying. I called my best friend to drive me to the e-room and she (like the wonderful person she is) agreed. Said she'd leave in like 10-15 minutes so I called my mom and asked her advice. She told me to hold off and go to the university for the x-ray (MUCH cheaper). So since it had only been a few minutes my sis called the best friend to say thanks but she can go back to sleep. Best friend was mad...but then not. :) Didn't I say she rocked?! So, the pain subsides but later gets really bad, e-room here we come. MY sis drove me (why didn't she drive to begin with? loooong story) and I was getting freaked out because I couldn't move my right foot at all. So we park and sis goes to get a wheelchair for me, meanwhile I'm on the phone with a friend who turned out to not be so concerned :P and not so much a friend (caca boy). So she comes back with the wheelchair and a very VERY cute hospital dude! lol So hospital dude rolls me in and around the hospital. I get x-rayed (not broken yay!!!) and then comes the worst part! I return to the room ive been waiting in and see crackers, soda and vicadin on a tray. I'm a bit wary (I'd never taken vicadin) so I sit on the bed and the nurse enters. She tells me she wants me fortified and to take the vicadin and eat my crackers. (by this point I'm rather apprehensive) She says that it's time to clean my cuts (*whimper*) so she and hospital dude (which btw I wasn't feeling the most confident with this cute guy cleaning my scraped up feet :P) begin rubbing the asphalt outta my injuries. And OMG it hurt so flippin' bad!!! I began laughing (because it's either laugh or cry) and they both look at me like I'm wierd lol. So then I get a lesson on my crutches (yes crutches) and hop on out.

So....I've been on crutches for the past week or so and left them behind on Wednesday. I'm walking on my own 2 feet and waiting for those cuts to heal. :P

Monday, August 17, 2009

Learning to longboard!

So I absolutely LOVE learning how to ride my roomies longboard! Last night, in order to stay awake so that my sister can get into the house (she forgot her keys), we went to go get in some practice and, as an added bonus, got some awesome pics! I can't really add them all to this post but I'll put them in a slideshow so everyone can enjoy the awesomness!!! Yay for Becky being home! More to come later :)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Time Travelin' aka Stop Thief!!!

I saw The Time Traveler's Wife last night and it was incredible!!! I won't give anything away except to say BRING KLEENEX!!!

So from here on out I'm going to refer to my workplace as Job 1 (creative I know right? lol) anyway, on the offchance that my blog becomes rich and famous I won't be saying names and such, though I will say that one job that I work is retail and the other is education (aka Job 2). If you look below you'll notice no names or locations of any sort! Wow I'm good! :o)
It all started on a blisteringly hot day, in a car with no air conditioning (YIPES!). I was driving to Job 1 and all seemed normal when I arrived. I was master (mistriss?) of my zone and on top of things :) I take my break and then my lunch. I come back and return to my zone. Maybe an hour later I hear my manager, in a fierce whisper, over my walkie (which connects all employees) "Don't let her leave the store! Do anything you can to keep her occupied!" I'm recovering the product and wondering what the heck is going on here! I look around and am curious as to which customer the are refferring. I see this girl who looks kinda upset and annoyed walk over to my zone (which happens to be our other entrance/exit) and she can't see me at first because I'm recovering behind an island. I hear her complain about her wallet and finding her mom. Me, because I'm the ever-so-helpful associate, move over to help her. I ask if she's tried the fitting room and if she wants I'll look for her wallet here. She looks startled and just walks away. I see my manager walk away with her and realize that this is the girl. I still don't really know what's going on until I hear the other girls talking about having seen some of our merchandise in her bag! OOH! Now it makes sense! So, I'm on one side of the store recovering and half hoping she'll come over here so that I can have a go at catching her and half fearing I won't be able to and she'll leave! That would've been MAJOR fail points! Eventually we are able to contact security (and the shrink hotline) and they come and it turns out they called the PD. So outside our store I see a few police cars with their lights going (I felt like our store was celebrating independence day again!) and the friend of the girl (I saw them walking around) kinda standing far away, as if to say "I'm waiting for you but I don't know you!" lol. So the girl is taken away in the police car and I hear over the walkie that this girl stole (read: attempted to steal) almost $1000 in merchandise! And my manager's awesome skills recovered it all! At the end of the night when we were leaving, she showed us all of the stuff she had in her bag! It was crazy!
So the happy ending to my story? We got all our product back AND our manager gave us all $5 rewards! :D

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009

Old Friends, New Friends And Lazy Days :)

So let me start out by saying that they cancelled my shift AGAIN! So after being woken up to be told that I didn't need to wake up yet...I called my mom to whine a bit and then got dressed and went with my roomie to plato's closet :) There I proceeded to find 3 blouses (2 of which are work appropriate! and 1 of which is a tee) for $13! :D After we got home my friend showed up to print off some papers for his evaluation stuff and we got to hang out for a bit which totally rocked! Now I'm watching tv and just relaxing and maybe gonna hang out with my friend for a bit and just overall enjoying my day :)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

When The Inspiration Hits

So, quick blurb on swing dancing last night. It sucked. Big time. There was hardly anyone there, my friend wouldn't dance (not really) and because my friend was a guy, everyone thought it was a date (which meant no invitations to dance). We ended up leaving early :( Suffice it to say it was suck-o-rama. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that the new Fresno State Swing Dance Club chooses Friday or Monday nights because if they continue on Wednesdays then I can't make it :( Well good stuff about last absolutely FABULOUS dress! I wore a red, silky halter dress in a marilyn monroe-ish style with leggings underneath which flared and spun whenever I was twirled. It looked amazing and made me feel wonderful! One guy, (I keep forgetting his name) asked me to dance when he saw that i wasn't and taught me such fun new dance moves!!! It was great! So anyway... bad news bears but still looked amazing!

So, today I woke up a bit early, went to run to the bank for my mom and then came back home. When I got back I felt that little urge that hits me every so often. This urge often results in yarn balls around my room, half finished drawings, intros to works of fiction, half hearted attempts at learning a piano piece, a cheesy poem or a rearranged room. This time I happened to set eyes on my keyboard first. I decided I wanted to learn a Kelly Clarkson song! haha talk about over reaching! So I go online to look it up and find this page that has sort of excercises for "Because of You". Needless to say I gave up on that and moved to my instruction book and mastered a beginning piece! I then went online and am learning this cool piece thats fairly simple but has to be sped up to it's fast tempo! So I might actually stick this one out! :) I wonder what will be next? I've been wanting to embroider for a while...or maybe I'll make another blanket!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Bittersweet Day Off

So I was up till bout 5 this morning and it was cool cus I didn't work till 1. Well thats still only 5 hours sleep but it's cool. So I wake up at 10 and get up, get some cereal, eat breakfast, watch a lil tv and then get in the shower (rockin' out to Kelly Clarkson! Heck yes!), get out, throw on clothes, blow dry my hair, put on my makeup and begin to straighten my hair. If you know me at all, or see me on a regular basis, you will know that the hair straightener and I have not bonded in the way of other girls and their hair machines. My hair is so thick (albeit short) that it takes FOREVER! So usually I allow my natural curls to take over and evolve into frizz. Not the best but it's convienent lol. I LOVE the way my hair looks straight and it's a mega confidence booster. So since God decided to reinform me of my gender today, I thought "Well I'm working today and it's gonna be a particularly long shift and I could use the hair to balance the out of whack emotional junk so...what the heck! :)" Well, I step away for a second, and return to a voice mail from my store. "Hi, this is ____ , we're cancelling your shift today, see you next time. Enjoy your day off!" Very polite and sweet. But at this moment two things are running through my mind. 1: YAY!!! no work!!! and 2: CRAP! that's 6 HOURS OF PAY LOST! so anyway I'm enjoying not working today but I could've used the $$. So, I ended up straightening my hair anyway and I'm just relaxing and enjoying it all by myself lol OOH! and I'm going swing dancing tonight!!! YAY!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Back To School!

So school's gonna start soon and I'm freaking out just a little. I've been kinda avoiding my emails (I KNOW!! BAD!) but their begining to feel a bit overwhelming! I already know my dates and such but I have yet to deeply peruse them. I'm thinking of braving them this Thursday, I mean Credential notifications are pretty darn important! I think I'll feel much better once I've recieved my financial aid check and gone school shopping and get all organized. When I've finished my back to school organization, I feel a little fearless, kinda as if I could conquer the world! lol! When I see my binders all nicely labeled and color coded :) Yeah...anyone who knows me and is reading this knows that I'll be lucky if that lasts a week! BUT it's nice while it lasts!