Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Kristan 'Flexibility' Hurtado!

First thing I've gotta say is that I am LOVING my student teaching placement!!! I couldn't have a better master teacher! I'm learning so very much and loving every second!

Okay, now that that's out of the way her begins the crazy tale of the mobile first grade!!! So the school I'm at is very small compared to other schools in the district and I guess they are shy a few teachers (can anyone else say 'future employment'? :D). So my teacher is in a k/1 split and for those that don't know, this means that she has both kindergarten AND first grade in her class. There are a few other first grade classrooms and a few other kinders. Well I guess the fourth grade was filled to overflowing with kids and so they yoinked one of our first grade teachers and plopped her smack dab in the middle of the fourth graders!!! Discombobulation much?! Well, now they were in a bit of a predicament and decided to divvy up the class that belonged to the displaced teacher! Well my class already had quite a few so we could only take two more but other teachers are receiving as many as 9 new students!!!! CRAZY!!
Well, this switch required the moving of the displaced teacher's stuff. In order to accommodate the needs, the first graders were shipped to the cafeteria where they could watch a movie out of the way of the teachers. One might think, hmmm...good idea! and in essence it really was; however in execution it seemed a bit lacking in supervision. One supervisor for the entire first grade? I had to stop a biting/hitting contest between two boys and let's just say it was quite a day. Tomorrow my master teacher and I are in charge of 56 first graders and kinders while the moving continues. lol I left the school today with my master teacher's praises about what a wonderful help I was and how she's glad I'm in her classroom; as well as assurances that this was definitely NOT a normal school beginning. lol

All I can say is that at least I'm having fun!