Thursday, August 13, 2009

When The Inspiration Hits

So, quick blurb on swing dancing last night. It sucked. Big time. There was hardly anyone there, my friend wouldn't dance (not really) and because my friend was a guy, everyone thought it was a date (which meant no invitations to dance). We ended up leaving early :( Suffice it to say it was suck-o-rama. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that the new Fresno State Swing Dance Club chooses Friday or Monday nights because if they continue on Wednesdays then I can't make it :( Well good stuff about last absolutely FABULOUS dress! I wore a red, silky halter dress in a marilyn monroe-ish style with leggings underneath which flared and spun whenever I was twirled. It looked amazing and made me feel wonderful! One guy, (I keep forgetting his name) asked me to dance when he saw that i wasn't and taught me such fun new dance moves!!! It was great! So anyway... bad news bears but still looked amazing!

So, today I woke up a bit early, went to run to the bank for my mom and then came back home. When I got back I felt that little urge that hits me every so often. This urge often results in yarn balls around my room, half finished drawings, intros to works of fiction, half hearted attempts at learning a piano piece, a cheesy poem or a rearranged room. This time I happened to set eyes on my keyboard first. I decided I wanted to learn a Kelly Clarkson song! haha talk about over reaching! So I go online to look it up and find this page that has sort of excercises for "Because of You". Needless to say I gave up on that and moved to my instruction book and mastered a beginning piece! I then went online and am learning this cool piece thats fairly simple but has to be sped up to it's fast tempo! So I might actually stick this one out! :) I wonder what will be next? I've been wanting to embroider for a while...or maybe I'll make another blanket!

1 comment:

  1. When you get that funny little feeling are you sure it's not me trying to reach you telepathically to tell you to clean your room.
    XXXOOO mommy
