Can you spell stress?! S-T-R-Oh wait! I don't have time for this I've got homework and work and packing and other work and staff meeting and
Saturday academy...
But really, my sis and I are moving today and though I relish the move as a way to get away from rude, awful, hypocritical roommates, I am so exhausted that I can barely move!! The other day I was reading aloud to my sister and fell asleep right there, on the book, in all my clothes (jacket, jeans and everything!) Last night my sis and I were packing and I laid down for a second and fell asleep right in the middle of all our boxes and stuff (she didn't know I was asleep so when she started talking it woke me up lol) but I mean really? falling asleep like that?!! Jeez! We didn't even get all our packing done! I have to say though that my sis has been a wonderful source of encouragement to me and I love her! I've got a project that's haunting me while I'm not doing it and hurting me while I am. I've got work to makeup and don't even get me started on my retail job...
Okay ya got me started! But I'll keep it minimal...let's just say that I'm about to rip a customer a new one if they all keep it up...k?
Time to get in the shower so I can go to work and hear my manager chew me out on how I missed the staff meeting...