So October has begun. The countdown is at 57 days remaining! Till my birthday that is! 22 years old!
So all I have to say right now is boys are stupid. The end.
No not really the end. I have 2 guys that I have/had a thing for (wouldn't even call it a crush). The first isn't really going anywhere or doing anything with his life. He is cute but that's about it. So we're just friends and we text a lot. Well he has this annoying habit of just dropping off the face of the earth whenever he doesn't feel up to answering a question. I ask if wanted to hang out after a long conversation and then *crickets* nothing. He texts me later as if I never even asked. I mean really? It's not like I'm asking you out sheesh! I just invited you to chill with some friends and watch a movie. If you didn't want to or don't want me to ask just let me know. It's not that hard. It's retarded is what it is. And very frustrating. Not a very nice friend at all. Then when I ask what was up you go all "Why are you asking so many questions? huh?" Really?! I mean c'mon. Chill. That's what friends do but if you don't want to that's fine with me. You just fall into the category of stupid boy.
So the other boy is at my job number 2 (the one that's actually furthering my career). He's cute and we get along really well. He's also a HUGE reader (which was a skill my ex desperately lacked). I mean how can you beat a guy who went online and purchased the Twilight series because he WANTED to read it! haha jk (he really did but that CAN be beat haha) He's very polite and talks as much as I do, if you can believe it. haha He goes to my school, is pre-law, owns his own home already and is 22! Plus he loves working with kids! haha. We're still getting to know each other, ya know chatting at work and such and I don't know his faith or anything. But he's definitely friend material if nothing else! :)
So with that in mind I have no real potential dating options, I figure now is as good a time as any to begin